What's this blog really about?

You may notice a variety of topics here - from business, to charity promotion, even to local news, but the primary reason this blog was created was to alert readers to the hostile atmosphere and sexual harassment at The Danville Register & Bee. The readers and creator of this blog want a FULL FRONT PAGE apology in the Danville Register & Bee, plus the disciplining of those individuals involved. Until then, we'll continue to post regular updates. To tolerate THIS kind of behavior by a major media network is intolerable. And this isn't just ONE instance. Media General has been sued nationwide for racism and sexism, yet they CONTINUE to keep the offenders employed. Why? And why am I doing this? TRUTH compels me.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Do you have a 12-year old?

According to Shared Hope International: 12 years old is the average age of entry into pornography and prostitution in the United States. Twelve. Let that number sink in for a minute.

100,000 to 300,000 children in America are at risk for sex trafficking each year. In the U.S. , the sale of child pornography is a $3 billion annual industry; 55% of child pornography on the Internet comes from the U.S. Pimps can earn up to $632,000 per year by selling four young women or children (boys and girls). Child prostitutes become crack heads, druggies, alcoholics and adult prostitutes. They all feed the porn industry.

Approximately 75% of minors engaged in prostitution have a pimp. Three domestic minor sex trafficking victims interviewed were sold 10-15 times per night, 6 days a week, totaling between 9,360 and 14,040 sex acts in a year. Over 18 months, 207 children were arrested for soliciting prostitution in Las Vegas. If they also were sold for 10-15 sex acts per night for a year, buyers purchased between 645,840 and 968,760 sex acts from children.

Who and what drives that kind of market? Men who watch porn - all kinds of porn. Men who work at newspapers, attend church, preach in church, teach your children, work next to you. It's not JUST a filthy habit. It impacts the lives of children around the world. It permanently alters the brain - making it impossible for the viewer to have healthy relationships with women or children. Of course the men who watch porn are incapable of having any kind of normal, healthy relationship with women - which is why they must resort to a computer monitor and their own devices...but they aren't the only ones affected and their lives certainly aren't the ones ruined by it.

Do you have a 12-year old? Think about it. Do you really want to support a newspaper that thinks it's okay for reporters to videotape women's bodies without their knowledge or consent and joke about making a "girls gone wild soft porn" tape? Your ad and subscription fees make it possible. Heck - they might as well start accepting those 900-number ads.

Freudian slip?? I have no proof but I sure wonder what happened to the woman who recently reported she found porn on a lap-top and reported it to police....but the newspaper reported it as though it was HER who had the porn??

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